Scientific Committee Clinical Toxicology
This scientific committee deals with the analytics and assessment of intoxications.
Chairwoman: PD Dr. rer. nat. Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Forensic Toxicology, Institute of Legal Medicine, University clinics of Cologne
- Promoting scientific activities (Analytics, interpretation data etc.)
- Improvement, standardisation and validation of clinical toxicology services
- Promoting postgraduate professional education and continuing education
- Becoming an advisory board for scientific institutions and institutions subject to public law
- Cooperation with other national and especially international societies and scientific committees for achieving our goals
- Organising symposia etc.
- Two annual meetings, one in spring in Mosbach or Munich (Analytica) and one in autumn after the GTFCh workshops with task distribution (assignment book) for members
- E-Mailing list for quick information or requests e.g. in unclear emergency cases
- Publishing of case reports in T+K and TIAFT bulletin
- Set-up and maintenance of the GTFCh Klintox-laboratory list (who analyses what, wherein, how, and when?)
- Set-up and updating of the GTFCh pharmacokinetic databank
- Symposium on the occasion of the Analytica-conference in April 1998 (see announcement in T+K, 64/2)
- Listing of toxicological data sources
- Symposium on the occasion of Medica 1999
- Adoption and examination of the TIAFT Reference Blood Level List of Therapeutic and Toxic Substances (Uges 2004, update 2005 as pdf)
- Recommendations by the scientific committee Clinical Toxicology of the GTFCh for toxicological analysis in the context of the determination of brain-death
- Development of regulations for postgraduate professional education to the professional title “Clinical Toxicologist GTFCh“ and continuing education
Chairwoman of the scientific committee
PD Dr. rer. nat. Hilke Andresen-Streichert
Forensic Toxicology
Institute of Legal Medicine
University clinics of Cologne
Forensic Toxicology
Institute of Legal Medicine
University clinics of Cologne